San Fernando Valley Criminal & DUI Defense Lawyers

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To Bail or Not to Bail…That is the Question

If you are reading this then you already know the question, so what is the answer? With the average bail in Los Angeles County set at over $20,000, it will cost you or someone close to you a lot of money to secure your freedom. Bail is set by law in California and regulated by the State Department of Insurance. Bail fees are set at ten percent for most cases and can be eight percent in certain circumstances. This means that if your bail is set at $20,000, your cost to post a bail bond will be around $2,000.00. Before …

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Officer’s Subject to Discipline for Seeking Justice

Tesitify or face discipline says LAPD Deputy Chief David Doan.  LAPD issued a new directive telling officers not to request the dismissal of traffic tickets where they had no independent recollection of the events of the ticket.  Does the Deputy Chief of LAPD really need to tell his officers that they should take notes to help aid their memory of past events?  I suppose that’s better than him telling them to simply make stuff up when they are testifying. Testimony in court is really quite simple.  Tell the truth.  If one cannot remember a past event, then they should simply …

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Another California Politician Indicted

California Senator Roderick Wright from Los Angeles County was just indicted on charges of perjury and voter fraud stemming from his Senatorial race and voter registration in 2007.  He also is alleged to have voted fraudulently in 5 subsequent elections as well. At least we know he is out there voting.  Also, it seems that his co-workers in politics have nothing but good things to say about his work as a politician. The LA Times reports he was indicted by a grand jury and is facing multiple felony charges based upon signing documents under penalty of perjury which say he lives in his senatorial district when …

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Crimes Involving Dangerous Drugs Most Likely to Cause Deportation…How Can Deportation be Avoided?

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security recently reported that the top reason for “removing” or deporting immigrants is based upon their being detained for crimes involving “dangerous drugs”. these crimes involve the manufacturing, sale or distribution and even possession of illegal drugs. Dangerous drug crimes caused the deportation of almost 30 percent of all people deported in 2009. Next to dangerous drugs came traffic offenses which accounted for 16 percent of deportations and then came other violations like illegally entering the country of smuggling of other immigrants into the country which accounted for over 15 percent of deportations. Statistics maintained by …

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Car Wash Owners Learn That City Attorneys Play Hard Ball

Two Los Angeles area car wash owners were just sentenced to a year in the Los Angeles County Jail and will have to pay hundreds of thousands in fines after they were convicted of multiple criminal counts of theft, conspiracy, and labor code violations.  Additionally, brothers Benny and Nissan Pirian must keep their books up to date and open for inspection by local, state and federal agencies. The Pirian brothers were charged with over 170 criminal charges stemming from their treatment of car wash employees.  Evidence indicates that employees were ordered to come in early, stay late, denied breaks and rest …

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Fake Condoms, Barbie Dolls and Purses Can Mean Prison and Heavy Fines

Prosecutors in New York just sent a Chinese born American citizen to federal prison for 37 months for importing and selling millions of dollars worth of counterfeit Trojan brand condoms. 4.3 million counterfeit condoms were recovered in the 6 year investigation which lead to the conviction. Prosecutors indicated that condoms were tested and found to be defective and leak, burst or otherwise not be spermicidally lubricated as the authentic version should be. Court documents indicate that condoms were imported from China and packaged under several different names in the Trojan line. The products were then sold as authentic to both wholesale and …

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Deputy Convicted for Bringing Drugs into Jail

Former Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Deputy Peter Paul Felix was just sentenced to four years in state prison for bringing drugs into the very jails that he was charged with protecting.  He must have done it for the money, right?  As a deputy with two years on, Felix was probably going to make close to $100,000, in the full year he left the Sheriff’s Department.  With a salary like that, the idea of supplementing one’s income by a few thousand dollars does not seem to warrant the risk losing your job or going to prison.  Why then would Deputy Felix …

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If Lying for Sex Were a Crime Here, Many of Us Would be in Serious Trouble

I have been off for a while. This is because I have not seen many newsworthy articles to write about. Today I could not help myself. I read that a man in Israel was jailed for the crime of rape by deception. When I saw the headline, I had to read on. The facts indicate that a married Palestinian man has been jailed for 18 months for having sex with an Israeli woman because he lied to her to induce her into bed. He told her that he too was Israeli and that he was not married and, of course, looking …

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Two Men Executed by Hanging in Japan

On a more serious note, two who were previously sentenced to death by courts in Japan were hanged last week.  The executions spurred serious animosity by citizens rights groups including Amnesty International.  Here I go again:  Was it the death or the method of death that spurred the debate? One man was convicted of setting fire to a jewelry store which ended up killing six people.  The other fellow strangle a woman and stabbed a man to death to end up on death row. Japan is one of the few remaining industrialized countries which still employs the death penalty.  I must …

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DUI Checkpoint This Weekend

According to the LAPD, there will be a DUI/Driver’s License Checkpoint set up this Friday, July 24, 2010 from 8:00 pm until 3 am.  It will be operated by LAPD’s West Traffic Division and it will take place on Venice Boulevard and Walgrove Avenue in Los Angeles. Remember my words:  Don’t give the pricks a reason to pull you over.  If you happen to drive through a sobriety checkpoint, don’t give the cops cause to investigate you further.  If you are out in West LA this weekend, and you plan to drive, don’t drink.  If you are drinking, don’t drive.  …

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