One-Eyed Gang member Arrested for Panorama City Double Murder
A one-eyed gang member whose street name is “Winky” was arrested yesterday after authorities linked him to a double murder in Panorama City, California. Police say Winky, or Angel Santana, and another suspect who is still at large, shot three peopleoutside a local 7-Eleven convenience store, killing two of the victims. You might ask how a one-eyed shooter could be so effective with his disadvantage of having only one eye. In reality most people are trained to shoot with one eye closed, thus, giving Winky an advantage over other people who would have to adjust from using two eyes to only …
How Do I Know When it is Time to Hire a Criminal Defense Lawyer?
If I got arrested for some serious charge, like murder, I would likely want to hire a lawyer. But what if I am got driving on a suspended driver’s license? Do I need to hire a lawyer then? What if I am just under investigation for doing something wrong? Let’s say my boss thinks I stole a bunch of money at work. Do I need to hire a lawyer then? Can’t I just wait and see what happens? Maybe I can just “throw myself on the mercy of the court?” After all, I’m guilty, shouldn’t I just plead guilty?” So, …
CHP seizes 2000 Pounds of Pot in Van Headed to Las Vegas
I missed this article last week, so I will talk about it today because this is a lot of marijuana. California Highway Patrol officers in the Imperial Valley pulled over a Chevy Van that they said was weaving as it drove north on Highway 86. After pulling over the van, officers found a 30 year old man from Las Vegas who was allegedly heading home – with 2000 pounds of marijuana in his van. That’s a ton for those who aren’t that good at math — An actual ton. According to the Los Angeles Times, officers had to call out a canine …
Why I like Being A Criminal and DUI Defense Attorney in Los Angeles
After 18 years of running from court to court throughout Los Angeles and Southern California, one might think I would grow tired of dealing with people’s problems all day long…Can you hang on just a second, one of my clients just got picked up on a warrant…Give me a moment, one of my clients just got arrested – again…What do you mean your son is back in jail?..You were arrested for driving on a suspended license two weeks after getting arrested for DUI -and your car was impounded – your work car?..You’re out on bail on two different (third offense) …
What I Like About Being a Criminal and DUI Defense Lawyer in Ventura
I was licensed to practice law in May of 1996. The day after I got licensed I made my first appearance in criminal court as a lawyer. It’s been 18 years and I am still running…from court to court, that is. While a lot of my criminal defense and DUI defense work is in Los Angeles County, early on in my career I was lucky to have a cousin loan me my first office in Chatsworth. While that seemed to me to be a strange location for a law office, cousin, Brent Vallens always made it work for himself and …
Glendale Man Arrested for Residential Burglary of Sandra Bullock Home
A 39 year old Glendale, California man was arrested yesterday for residential burglary after police found Joshua Corbett on the Bel Air estate of Sandra Bullock. Maybe he just got lost hiking the Santa Monica Mountains. Bullock was said to have an extensive security system on the property but that did not keep out Corbett who was arrested shortly before 7:00 a.m. Bullock’s neighbors said that their dogs would not stop parking which prompted them to make an early morning call to 911. LAPD officers responded and took Corbett into custody. Bullock was said to have been out receiving an award the …
Operation High End Busts 17 For High Ticket Auto Theft
Operation High End Busts Auto Theft Ring In Los Angeles I hate to sound negative, but shouldn’t a 4 year, hundred officer, multiple agency car theft investigation yield more than 12 arrests over 21 stolen cars? Apparently, agents from the California Highway Patrol, Department of Insurance, Los Angeles Police Department and the Franchise Tax Board investigated a ring of people who falsified financial information to steal new cars from cars 18 different car dealers. The suspects then (allegedly) sold the cars or staged auto accidents with the stolen vehicles. The accident claims were then submitted to various insurance carriers in the hopes …
Poaching Doesn’t Pay
Here in Southern California we don’t hear a great deal about poaching unless we are in a delicatessen. Here we poach egg and maybe some fish, but poaching is a serious crime in other parts of the state and the country. Also a crime is possessing a fraudulent fishing license, especially after your own license has been revoked for the rest of your life. That’s what happened to Nai Choy Saelee, a 30 year old man from Sacramento. Back in 2010 his fishing license was revoked for life after he was convicted in a Sacramento county court for poaching and …
Man Arrested for Stabbing Nurse at Torrance Hospital
A 38 year old man from Santee, California was arrested Sunday after he allegedly stabbed a nurse at a Torrance hospital. Authorities suspect that he may have been distraught about the haircut he recently received. His booking photo may be viewed on the link below: The suspect, Thomas Robert Fredette, was arrested shortly after the stabbing the area of Carson street in Torrance. Fredette was said to have entered the hospital, gone around a weapons screening area and approached a group of hospital employees. Fredette then grabbed one of the nurses and stabbed her in the ear with an unknown sharp …
Man Arrested After Nurse is Critically Injured in Stabbing
A 26 year old man from Los Angeles was arrested last weekend after he allegedly walked into Olive View UCLA Medical Center in Sylmar, California and stabbed an on duty nurse multiple times with a knive. The nurse, whose name was not released was critically wounded and was being treated for her injuries at a local trauma center. The man, identified as Romero Carnailla, was said to have run into the hospital, approached the nurse who he didn’t know and stabbed her several times in the torso. Police and hospital security located the man after they heard the victim screaming in the …